On March 4th, a community meeting was held at the Wadsworth Avenue Evangelical Church. Art-En 301 students shared a presentation, which is being transformed into a Kickstarter campaign. A lively community discussion followed the presentation and many good ideas were gathered. Here is a link to the powerpoint.
Ashley Porter, owner of Porter Consulting Engineers, met with us on March 6th and reviewed design proposals. He shared an official map that extended our understanding of the site, which sits not just in the floodplain, but is actually in the floodway. This was surprising news as our research showed only that Asbury Manor is in the floodplain. This new information requires some reconsideration of the site and our plans for the shelter. As a result of this news, we will have to prepare a topo survey and secure special permits that we had been told previously would not be needed.
Mr. Porter reviewed student concept designs and provided excellent structural recommendations, which we are working with. We will meet with Mr. Porter again on Monday March 25th to review designs and set our project budget, as well as a date for doing the required topographical survey. Once final designs have been determined, Porter Consulting Engineers will prepare the required engineering certifications for the project.
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